Simple Pleasure's blog of Pocket Bishonen and Pocket Bishoujo meetings, minutes, catches, indexing troubles, and just when the whole thing is uploaded.
Pocket Bish Gym Committee
Hello and welcome to Shusu's Pocket Bish Gym blog! Yes, we know it hasn't been updated in a while, and that's because there are literally over a hundred bishounen and bishoujo to catch, locate, place, and upload. Please be patient!
You may be wondering who "we" are. Why, we're the Pocket Bish Gym Leaders! Watch out, our newest gyms aren't uploaded yet.
My name is Mariamaia Khushrenada. You will see me in the minutes as Maia. I am the leader of Shusu's premiere gym, Crimson Gym.
Hi! I'm Hilde Schreibecker. I run the Gold Gym!
Hi! My name's Makoto, better known as Sailor Jupiter! My job's to run the Forest Gym! See ya there!
Yo! Duo Maxwell here. I run the best, coolest gym, and that's Jet Gym! Check it out ^_^*V*
My name is Ruki, if you really want to know. You've probably seen me going by Rika. What a stupid girly name. Anyway, I'm the trainer of the Glacier Gym. Watch out for us, it's gonna be good.
I am San. I am the guardian of the Ivory Gym. Here you will find great power. Respect it.
Hello. I'm Quatre Raberba Winner, and I operate the Sapphire Gym. Please enjoy your stay.
Hiiii! I'm Mimi Tachikawa, and I run the Rosy Gym! We don't do very much, but we're awfully cute!
My name is Achika Masaki. *bows* I manage the Plum Gym, a special place for all the real characters and badge catches.
More on the gyms:
Crimson Lead Team (open, run by Mariemaia) | Gold Back-Up Team (open, run by Hilde) | Forest Reserve Team (open, run by Makoto) |
Jet Special Forces Team (open, run by Duo) | Glacier Logistics Team (open, run by Ruki) | Ivory Surveillance Team (open, run by San) |
Sapphire Auxilliary Team (overflow, run by Quatre) |
Rosy Morale Team (overflow, run by Mimi) |
Plum Point Team (badges & reals, run by Achika) |
At the moment Pocket Bishoujo is having some problems, so we'll be back later with the catch list!
The latest news is not so good... as we write, is down because of bandwidth problems. Much love and support to Tokio, and we hope everything comes back together!
11:03 AM